Name: V. Shtabovenko (email_not_shown)
Date: 03/29/19-12:16:17 PM Z

Hi Will,

thanks for the example. I hope that this should be now fixed.


Am 28.03.19 um 15:52 schrieb Will:
> Hi Vladyslav,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I send you what I get
> FAFeynAmpList[Process -> {{F[3, {1, Index[Colour, 1]}], FourMomentum[Incoming, 1],
> FCGV["MU"], {(2*Charge)/3, (2*ColorCharge)/Sqrt[3]}},
> {-F[3, {1, Index[Colour, 2]}], FourMomentum[Incoming, 2], FCGV["MU"],
> {(-2*Charge)/3, (-2*ColorCharge)/Sqrt[3]}}} ->
> {{V[5, {Index[Gluon, 3]}], FourMomentum[Outgoing, 1], 0, {Sqrt[3]*ColorCharge}},
> {S[1], FourMomentum[Outgoing, 2], FCGV["MH"], {}}}, Model -> {"SMQCD"},
> GenericModel -> {"Lorentz"}, AmplitudeLevel -> {Particles},
> ExcludeParticles -> {S, -F[4], F[4], -F[3, {2, _}], F[3, {2, _}], -F[3, {3, _}],
> F[3, {3, _}], -F[4, {1, _}], F[4, {1, _}], -F[4, {2, _}], F[4, {2, _}],
> -F[4, {3, _}], F[4, {3, _}], S[1], S[2], -S[3], S[3], -V[3], V[3], V[5], V[5, {_}]},
> ExcludeFieldPoints -> {FieldPoint[0][S[1], V[2], V[2]],
> FieldPoint[0][S[1], -V[3], V[3]], FieldPoint[0][-S[3], V[1], V[3]],
> FieldPoint[0][-S[3], V[2], V[3]], FieldPoint[0][S[3], V[1], -V[3]],
> FieldPoint[0][S[3], V[2], -V[3]], FieldPoint[1][S[1], V[1], V[2]],
> FieldPoint[1][S[1], V[2], V[2]], FieldPoint[1][S[1], -V[3], V[3]],
> FieldPoint[1][-S[3], V[1], V[3]], FieldPoint[1][-S[3], V[2], V[3]],
> FieldPoint[1][S[3], V[1], -V[3]], FieldPoint[1][S[3], V[2], -V[3]]},
> LastSelections -> {}][FAFeynAmp[GraphID[Topology == 1, Generic == 1, Particles == 1,
> Number == 1], Integral[FourMomentum[Internal, 1]],
> ((I/16)*FAFeynAmpDenominator[FAPropagatorDenominator[FourMomentum[Internal, 1],
> FCGV["MU"]], FAPropagatorDenominator[FourMomentum[Incoming, 2] +
> FourMomentum[Internal, 1] - FourMomentum[Outgoing, 1], FCGV["MZ"]]]*
> FAMetricTensor[Index[Lorentz, 2], Index[Lorentz, 3]]*
> FAPropagatorDenominator[FourMomentum[Incoming, 2] - FourMomentum[Outgoing, 1],
> FCGV["MU"], 2]*FermionChain[FANonCommutative[FADiracSpinor[
> -FourMomentum[Incoming, 2], FCGV["MU"]]],
> (-I)*FAGS*FANonCommutative[FADiracMatrix[Index[Lorentz, 1]],
> FAChiralityProjector[-1]]*FASUNT[Index[Gluon, 3], Index[Colour, 2],
> Index[Colour, 1]] - I*FAGS*FANonCommutative[FADiracMatrix[Index[Lorentz, 1]],
> FAChiralityProjector[1]]*FASUNT[Index[Gluon, 3], Index[Colour, 2],
> Index[Colour, 1]], FANonCommutative[
> FADiracSlash[-FourMomentum[Incoming, 2] + FourMomentum[Outgoing, 1]] +
> FCGV["MU"]], (((-2*I)/3)*FANonCommutative[FADiracMatrix[Index[Lorentz, 3]],
> FAChiralityProjector[1]]*FCGV["EL"]*FCGV["SW"])/FCGV["CW"] +
> (I*FANonCommutative[FADiracMatrix[Index[Lorentz, 3]], FAChiralityProjector[-1]]*
> FCGV["EL"]*(1/2 - (2*FCGV["SW"]^2)/3))/(FCGV["CW"]*FCGV["SW"]),
> FANonCommutative[FADiracSlash[FourMomentum[Internal, 1]] + FCGV["MU"]],
> (((-2*I)/3)*FANonCommutative[FADiracMatrix[Index[Lorentz, 2]],
> FAChiralityProjector[1]]*FCGV["EL"]*FCGV["SW"])/FCGV["CW"] +
> (I*FANonCommutative[FADiracMatrix[Index[Lorentz, 2]], FAChiralityProjector[-1]]*
> FCGV["EL"]*(1/2 - (2*FCGV["SW"]^2)/3))/(FCGV["CW"]*FCGV["SW"]),
> FANonCommutative[FADiracSlash[-FourMomentum[Incoming, 2] + FourMomentum[Outgoing,
> 1]] + FCGV["MU"]], ((-I/2)*FANonCommutative[FAChiralityProjector[-1]]*
> FCGV["EL"]*FCGV["MU"])/(FCGV["MW"]*FCGV["SW"]) -
> ((I/2)*FANonCommutative[FAChiralityProjector[1]]*FCGV["EL"]*FCGV["MU"])/
> (FCGV["MW"]*FCGV["SW"]), FANonCommutative[FADiracSpinor[
> FourMomentum[Incoming, 1], FCGV["MU"]]]]*SumOver[Index[Colour, 1], 3, External]*
> SumOver[Index[Colour, 2], 3, External]*SumOver[Index[Gluon, 3], 8, External]*
> Conjugate[FAPolarizationVector][V[5, {Index[Gluon, 3]}], FourMomentum[Outgoing, 1],
> Index[Lorentz, 1]])/Pi^4]]

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