

ChangeDimension[exp, dim] changes all LorentzIndex and Momenta in exp to dimension dim (and also Levi-Civita-tensors, Dirac slashes and Dirac matrices).

See also: LorentzIndex, Momentum, DiracGamma, Eps.


Remember that LorentzIndex[mu, 4] is simplified to LorentzIndex[mu] and Momentum[p, 4] to Momentum[p]. Thus the fullowing objects are defined in four dimensions.


This changes all non-4-dimensional objects to 4-dimensional ones.


Consider the following list of 4- and D-dimensional object.


Any explicit occurence of D (like in f(D)) is not replaced by ChangeDimension.


The option Dimension of Eps must be changed too, since with the default setting Dimension->4 the arguments of Eps are automatically changed to 4 dimensions.


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Converted from the Mathematica notebook ChangeDimension.nb