Name: V. Shtabovenko (email_not_shown)
Date: 04/01/20-11:53:44 AM Z


this sort of questions are usually impossible to answer without a minimal working example, e.g.


where n is the number of the diagram that causes troubles

+ the code you use to evaluate that diagram.


Am 31.03.20 um 23:40 schrieb Huan Souza:
> Hi,
> I am working in a problem of gravity as an effective field theory and it was possible to draw the Feynman diagrams. However, when I tried to compute the amplitude, the output was:
> Power: Infinite expression 1/0^2 encounted.
> Indeterminate
> This was not a completely surprise to me, but is there any way to do FeynArts+FeynCalc work with models of QFT coupled to gravity as an EFT?
> Best regard, Huan Souza.

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