Name: john (email_not_shown)
Date: 02/28/19-05:40:26 PM Z

sure,here is the output of amps//FCE//InputForm:

(g^2*MTD[Lor1, Lor2]*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], 0]*
   (MTD[Lor1, Lor2] - FVD[q, Lor1]*FVD[q, Lor2]*(1 - GaugeXi[V[Index[Generic, 3]]])*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], 0]))/
  (2^D*Pi^(D/2)) + (2^(1 - D)*g^2*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], ms*Sqrt[GaugeXi[S[Index[Generic, 3]]]]])/Pi^(D/2) -
 (g^2*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], ms*Sqrt[GaugeXi[S[Index[Generic, 3]]]]])/(2^D*Pi^(D/2)) +
 (((-I)*gc7*FVD[p, Lor1] - I*gc7*FVD[q, Lor1])*((-I)*gc7*FVD[p, Lor2] - I*gc7*FVD[q, Lor2])*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[p - q, D], 0]*
   (MTD[Lor1, Lor2] - FVD[p - q, Lor1]*FVD[p - q, Lor2]*(1 - GaugeXi[V[Index[Generic, 4]]])*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[p - q, D], 0])*
   PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], ms*Sqrt[GaugeXi[S[Index[Generic, 3]]]]])/(2^D*Pi^(D/2)) -
 ((gc11*GA[6] + gc11*GA[7])*(gc9*GA[6] + gc9*GA[7])*(mf - GSD[q])*GSD[-p + q]*PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], mf]*
   PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[-p + q, D], 0])/(2^D*Pi^(D/2))

Thanks in advance.

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