Name: Feng Feng (email_not_shown)
Date: 06/20/12-05:21:34 PM Z

Dear All,

I have found that The Tr operation is terriblely slow in FeynCalc 6.0, while the same code run very faster with fc5beta3.

Here is my testing code, and has anyone else experienced the same problem?

<< HighEnergyPhysics`fc`

exp = (mc + GSD[k1]).GAD[c[li3]].(mc + GSD[k1 + k2 + p - q]).GAD[
    c[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[Gamma]]].(-mc + GSD[p] - GSD[q]).GA[
    5].(mc + GSD[p] + GSD[q]).GAD[c[li2]].(-mc + GSD[k2]).GAD[
    li2].(mc + GSD[p] + GSD[q]).GA[
    5].(-mc + GSD[p] - GSD[q]).GAD[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[Gamma]].(mc - GSD[k2 + 2 p])
    .GAD[li3] // FCI



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