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The ReadMe files of the various releases are available here.

A short FAQ is avaliable here.

A new paper on FeynCalc has been published in Comput. Phys. Commun. 207C (2016) 432. Preprint available at arXiv:1601.01167.

The original paper on FeynCalc was published in Comp. Phys. Comm. 64 (1991) 345.

A paper on TARCER (part of FeynCalc) has been published in Comp. Phys. Comm. 111 (1998) 265-173. Preprint available at hep-ph/9801383 at Los Alamos.

A short description (version 3.1) (source).

Some physics publications using FeynCalc

We are currently working on writing a thorough guide. Once it is finished we will make it available here.

Until then, use the help browser documentation. This includes a short introduction and documentation of functions. Notice that this documentation does not cover all functions and is slightly outdated.

The current help browser documentation is also available in HTML format here: feyncalc.github.io/FeynCalcBook/guide/FeynCalc.html.

The old (outdated) help browser documentation is still available in HTML format here: feyncalc.org/FeynCalcBook/.


As of version 4.1, FeynCalc consists of a number of modules each related to a certain area of quantum field theory (e.g. a physical model). A module is a logical grouping of code, usually a package file or collection of package files. Below follows a list of the present modules. The modules TARCER and PHI are new modules that are being integrated into FeynCalc 4.1.

FeynCalc modules:

  • core (the file FeynCalc.m); definitions of basic objects in contexts HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`*, each being used by several other objects (in other contexts).
  • general; non-physics-specific tools.
  • fctools; tools for kinematics, algebraic cour-vector manipulations, Dirac algebra, Feynman rules and more.
  • fcloops; tools for evaluating one-loop integrals, Passarino-Veltmann decomposition of one-loop tensor integrals and more.
  • fctables; tables of integrals, splitting functions and more.
  • qcd; QCD, OPE stuff and more.
  • TARCER; two-loop Feynman integrals using the algorithm of Tarasov.
  • PHI; ChPT stuff.