

QuantumField is the head of quantized fields and their derivatives. QuantumField[par, ftype, {lorind}, {sunind}] denotes a quantum field of type ftype with (possible) Lorentz-indices lorind and SU(N)-indices sunind. The optional first argument par denotes a partial derivative acting on the field.

See also: FeynRule, PartialD, ExpandPartialD.


This denotes a scalar field.


This is a field with a Lorentz index.


Color indices should be put after the Lorentz ones.


[Graphics:Images/index_gr_13.gif] is a short form for [Graphics:Images/index_gr_14.gif]


The first list of indices is usually interpreted as type LorentzIndex, except for OPEDelta, which gets converted to type Momentum.


Derivatives of fields are denoted as follows.


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Converted from the Mathematica notebook QuantumField.nb