

GluonPropagator[p, {mu, a}, {nu, b}] or GluonPropagator[p, mu, a , nu, b ] yields the gluon propagator. GluonPropagator[p, {mu}, {nu}] or GluonPropagator[p, mu, nu] omits the SUNDelta. The gauge and the dimension is determined by the option Gauge and Dimension. The following settings of Gauge are possible: 1 for the Feynman gauge; [Graphics:Images/index_gr_1.gif] for the general covariant gauge; {Momentum[n] ,1} for the axial gauge.

GP can be used as an abbreviation of GluonPropagator.


See also: GluonVertex, GhostPropagator, GluonGhostVertex.


This is a convenient way to enter amplitudes by hand (GP is an abbreviation GluonPropagator).


The FeynCalc Book   previousGluonGhostVertex   nextGluonVertex

Converted from the Mathematica notebook GluonPropagator.nb